Increasing energy production from less exploited renewable resources (biomass, biogas, geothermal)

Country Romania
Influence of the
financing instrument
Thematic Scope electricity generation or consumption suitable for coupling with P2G hubs
Type Investment Funding
Legal/Financial Form interests co-financing

Unlike other programs directly addressed to the population, the program for Increasing the production of energy from less exploited renewable resources is addressed to the population indirectly by allocating funds for modernization and expansion of networks but also the realization of infrastructures for renewable energy production from sources such as would be biomass or biogas. The financing is made through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program and lasted between 2014 and 2020 and will have another call for the next financing period. It is part of Priority Axis 6: Promoting clean energy and energy efficiency in order to support a low carbon economy.   

Possible usage of the funding instrument in the P2G context: In addition to the energy already produced in Romania and the already imported one, this project aims to increase energy flows even more, but through renewable sources, especially biomass and biogas. Given that renewable energy is very compatible with the power to gas concept, Romania can import good energy practices and can develop P2G hubs with related infrastructures. 

Legal Entity Guvernul României - Ministerul Fondurilor Europene prin Autoritatea de Management pentru Programul Operațional
Government of Romania - Ministry of European Funds through Managing Authority for the Operational Program
Geographic Scope National
Eligibility Criteria Local public authority, Autonomous administrative authority, Intercommunity Development Association, Territorial administrative units of several levels, large, medium and small enterprises
Co-Financing Rate 98% (85% ERDF + 13% state budget)
Volume 15.000.000 euro
Duration occurred in the 2014-2020 funding period
Limitations -
Periodicity thus far -
Web Address